Are persistent dry eyes giving you trouble? Have you tried everything from eye drops to heat bags, but to no avail?

You’re not alone. Dry eyes are becoming a constant companion for many in our bustling, modern world, where our eyes are put to the test daily.

Here at Pinders, your vision is our passion. But it's not just about how you see, it's about how your eyes feel too. Did you know dry eyes can affect your sight, and consequently, your everyday tasks and joy of life?

Good news! Starting June 2024, we're ecstatic to bring you cutting-edge solutions for your dry eyes. We're proud to be among the first Opticians in the area offering both IPL (Intense Pulse Light Therapy) and LLLT (Low Level Light Therapy) to tackle Dry Eye, Meibomium Gland Dysfunction, and Blepharitis. We also cover eyelid infections such as styes and chalazion.

We're dedicated to bringing the latest eye care technologies to North Nottinghamshire. Our Optometrists and Ocular Hygienists have undergone rigorous training to enhance their knowledge and skills in 'dry eye' management.

Consequently, we have upgraded our Dry Eye Assessment. While the Pinders Ultimate eye examination screens for dry eye, our improved Dry Eye Assessment digs deeper, running several diagnostic tests to pinpoint the exact causes and underlying issues. Following this, we'll devise a treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms. Your eye comfort is our priority.


Our step-by-step approach to help your Dry Eyes

Step 1 - Book a Pinders Ultimate Dry Eye Assessment

Step 2 - We will check your eyes using state-of-the-art equipment and assess your tears and tear proļ¬le.

Step 3 - We will work out an accurate diagnosis of the root causes of your Dry Eyes.

Step 4 - With you, we will create a tailored treatment and management plan and discuss fully the options available to you.

Book your dry eye assessment today

Any questions call us on 01623 621965  email us at

The Eye Spa Treatment Options And Pricing


An Ultimate Dry Eye Assessment will be required to decide the course of which treatment plan to follow.

 You can even spread the cost of your treatments too.

If you’ve joined our Pinders Care Plan, you will receive a 10% discount on all the treatments below.


One Hour Ultimate Dry Eye Assessment

Including all tests and procedures involved in establishing the exact cause of your Dry Eyes and carried out by our trained and friendly optometrists - £240

Physical Treatments

Nulids ™ (A deep, but gentle cleanse and exfoliation of the eyelids) - £50

Zest ® (A gentler yet more intensive cleaning of the eyelids and lashes) - £150

Light Therapy Treatment Courses

Single light treatment course with up to 4 treatment visits included (15-20 mins per treatment over 4-8 week period) - £550

Dual light treatment course with up to 4 treatment visits included (20-30 mins per treatment over 4-8 week period) - £800

Triple light treatment course with up to 4 treatment visits included (30-45 mins per treatment over 4-8 week period) - £1000

For severe DED a top-up treatment may be recommended as follows; Eye-light ® IPL or LLLT - £150 per treatment


Book your dry eye assessment today

Any questions call us on 01623 621965  email us at